Chiro Care For You

Good Night’s Sleep

My Kingdom for a Good Night’s Sleep!

There is nothing worse than a poor night’s sleep or waking up in pain.
When we have neuromuscular pain, it can be difficult to find comfort to rest and sleep well. That goes for low back pain, neck pain or shoulder pain to name a few.

An injury may prevent us from sleeping in our normal position. If you sleep better in the guest room or in another bed while away from home, the likelihood is that it’s time for a new mattress.

Placing a pillow between the knees in a side lying position relieves a sore lower back and putting a pillow behind the knees relieves sciatica or leg pain.

Specific stretching before bedtime can be very beneficial, especially if you have been a couch potato all day! Ask your chiropractor.

Sleeping Positions
> Side sleeping suits most people. If mattress and pillow are good, we get best support for the spine on the side and we can breathe freely too.
> Some sleep well on their back, but breathing can be compromised to the point of snoring.
> Front sleeping is as bad as it comes. Twisting the neck leads to long term neck issues and breathing is compromised.